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New York Tibetan Service Center (NY TSC)

New York Tibetan Services Center (NYTSC) is a New York-based nonprofit organization dedicated to the social and economic mobility and academic success of New York City immigrants originating primarily from Tibetan, Himalayan, and Southeast Asian communities – many of whom are refugees and/or members of marginalized and disadvantaged communities. Our organization offers education, social services, and empowerment activities that respect cultures and promote integration. We act as a cultural liaison between city agencies and immigrants families, our various educational programs tailored specifically to children and parents, childcare training and parenting workshops, ESL classes, cultural activities, after-school homework help for children, academic advisement, youth-focused activities, legal assistance, job training, and US citizenship preparation, as well as one-on-one case management provided by social workers. Programs will be held in English, Tibetan, Spanish, Hindi, Nepali, and Chinese.

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