AAPI COVID-19 Needs Assessment Project
The Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander COVID-19 Needs Assessment Project is a project led by researchers of color, centering communities of color, championed by Congressional members of color including the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, and advocated and administered by National Urban League, a national civil rights organization that serves communities of color. The aims of this initiative are to conduct timely, policy-relevant, in-language research to assess the needs and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities in the United States.
To view the COVID-19 Communities of Color Needs Assessments, visit: https://nul.org/basic-page/covid-19-needs-assessment or click on one of the following:
- COVID-19 Communities of Color Needs Assessment – Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders
- COVID-19 Communities of Color Needs Assessment – Asian Americans